Friday 8 March 2013

Week 9

1. "Dead Men`s Path" by Achebe is a story about the conflict between animist beliefs and modern ideas.
         1. The headmaster doesn't understand the cultural views of the villagers
                 1. The headmaster closes the villagers sacred path without understanding the importance of it.
                 2. "I don't suppose the ancestors will find the little detour too burdensome."
         2. The priest doesn't understand the headmasters modern ideas.
                 1. The priest explains the tradition of the path and tells the headmaster to keep it open.
                 2. "this path was here before you were born and before your father was born.
         3. The villagers protest against moving the path
                 1. "But I remember there was a big row some time ago when we attempted to close it."
                 2.  When the headmaster closed the sacred path the villagers destroyed the schools property.

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